D&B's ESG Ranking

What is D&B's ESG Ranking?

The D&B ESG Ranking model is based on 31 ESG topics across 13 themes (4 Environmental, 6 Social, and 3 Governance) that comprise the D&B ESG Framework. The D&B ESG ranking is calculated using data from a variety of government sources, public sources, private data sources, third-party certifications, D&B proprietary business information, as well as information provided to D&B by subject companies that has been validated by D&B where appropriate. D&B only assigns an ESG ranking to an organization for which it has sufficient data to adequately evaluate at least 4 of the 13 themes. D&B ESG Ranking uses a 5-point scale to indicate levels of risk or performance in ESG, with 1 indicating low risk or best performance and 5 as high risk or worst performance.

Organizations may voluntarily submit additional ESG-related data to contribute to their ESG ranking using a self-assessment process. Voluntarily submitted ESG-related data may or may not have an effect on an organization’s D&B ESG ranking, and any actual effects may be positive or negative. Any organization that directly submits ESG-related data about its business to D&B for evaluation will have an opportunity to request deletion of its directly submitted data in the published D&B ESG Ranking for its organization. D&B will review such requests, and their impact on the integrity of D&B’s ESG Ranking Model, in accordance with applicable laws for as long as it retains such data. Once an organization’s directly submitted data has been included in that organization’s published D&B ESG ranking, it can be updated periodically with new information.

E3Live Pty Ltd T/A E3Live Australia have embrassed the concept of ESG ranking. We believe that this relatively new business model ranking will be adopted by all global businesses if they are to be respected, survive and thrive into the future! As previously advised, Ranking uses a 5-point scale to indicate levels of risk or performance in ESG, with 1 indicating low risk or best performance and 5 as high risk or worst performance. We are proud that E3Live Pty Ltd T/A E3Live Australia's ranking index is 2.0 (SASB Industry Average: 2.71), puting us in the lowest risk or best performers category.