Saving the Planet, One Beer at a Time…

Saving the Planet, One Beer at a Time…

Phase 1 of Our Algae Project…

The year is 2019…and the Young Henrys @younghenrys brewery is currently glowing green from the light of a bioreactor, teeming with microscopic algae, installed amongst the tanks. It may look surreal but it isn’t born from a love of sci-fi, but one of a commitment to the future in the fight against climate change. We’re working with the supremely talented scientists at University of Technology Sydney Climate Change Cluster (C3) and aiming to lead the way for the industry in making brewing a more carbon neutral process. So far the research has proved that utilising algae could make a huge difference to climate change by consuming CO2 (a byproduct of the brewing process) and releasing oxygen.

For reference, the CO2 from the fermentation of just one six pack of beer takes a tree two full days to absorb.